is a treatment/performance for one participant. it is a format that divas are glad to offer at a party, in private, and in an art context.
'Clinica' emerges from our practices around caring, listening and touching. As a performance format, it gives a possibility for a more direct, sometimes even intimate contact with the audience. It plays with the convention of doctor's appointment but it expands ideas of healing to experiences connected with the body that is a sensuous and social being. In that, we employ our approach to bodywork, performance art, humor, as well as poetry - which for us are powerful means for telling stories and finding creative ways of healing oneself. It is meant as space for a meeting one another and for, both us and the visitors, it is a chance of creating an experience that reinforces the power of our imagination to change our realities.
Besides the personal experience, 'clinica de divas' informs us about collective/communal aspects of healing - by carrying this practice wherever we go, as DIVAS we dig into current ways of dealing with your own body and its poetic life. We are interested in what past/present and maybe future traumas and joys of the people and the place might be from that very intuitive, emphatic, artistic perspective.
Then again, because of the context and uniqueness of every human being, ' clinica de divas' is a flexible format that is open to going through transformations itself. Inside the 'clinic' we might have a party, poetry reading, casual conversation, fortune-telling cabinet, an embassy of forgotten dreams or simply a tea.
vol. 1
Horizontbearbeitung Festival in Westflugel Leipzig in January 2017
Divas set up a little tent on the stairs of the theatre and filled it with warmth, sound, objects, smells. Individual visitors could sign up for a session when arriving for the festival - during two days we had about 8 visits lasting between 20-30 minutes each. This time we focused on storytelling and telling each other lies about ourselves that took us to some truths, singing, touching, massaging and dancing.
vol. 2
Porny Days Kunst Film Festival in Zurich, November 2018
Divas continue the practice of their individual short performances in which we balance on the borders of an installation, massage and a lap dance. This time each participant can choose one of the three scenarios: The Fisherman, The Fisherman‘s Lover, The Fisherman‘s Other Lover - stories which are based on our journeys and poems, that could take others for a journey now. We were lap dancing, dressing up, singing from the shower and touching on the bed. The context of the festival allowed us to experiment with nudity, intimacy and get deeper under our skins in that hotel room.